Hormone replacement therapy Pontevedra, FL - Rejuvenate Clinic

What Causes Hormonal Imbalances?

Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA orchestrate many essential biological processes. When levels dip too low, wide-ranging deficiency signs can occur:

Fortunately, cutting-edge hormone testing and replacement protocols can restore optimal balance. But first, what triggers problematic hormone declines in the first place?


After age 30, hormone production gradually drops year-over-year for both genders. Estrogen levels in women plummet during perimenopause and menopause, while testosterone declines slowly in aging men. This hormone depletion underlies "aging"-related issues in midlife and beyond. Properly administered hormone therapy can stall this decline and resolve deficiency symptoms.

Our services

Lifestyle Factors

Modern lifestyles also drive hormone imbalance through excess stress, poor sleep, nutritional deficiencies, obesity, and inactivity. Optimizing these areas through lifestyle modifications enhances HRT results.

Medical Conditions

Certain illnesses like thyroid disorders directly impair hormonal health. Discuss your full medical history with a hormone specialist to guide customized therapy.

Assessing Your Hormone Levels

Since "normal" laboratory reference ranges are very broad, blood tests don't always reveal underlying deficiencies contributing to symptoms. At Rejuvenate Clinic, we dig deeper through advanced assessments like:

This rigorous evaluation determines whether HRT can likely improve one's wellness and vitality. Our specialized hormone doctors then develop science-based, patient-centered treatment plans to resolve troublesome issues.

Diagnostic Testing Protocol

Our best-practice process for assessing hormones includes:

Initial blood panels

These establish baseline levels of key hormones like estradiol, testosterone, and DHEA sulfate for women; testosterone, free testosterone, and estradiol for men. Thyroid hormones T3, T4, and TSH are also measured as they interplay significantly with reproductive hormones.

Repeat testing

Follow-up blood draws under different conditions (time of day, fasting/non-fasting, etc.) provide more data points, helping detect abolished rhythms, spikes, and dips missed on single tests.

Metabolic markers

Levels of cholesterol fractions, triglycerides, glucose, and inflammation markers reveal how well hormones are regulating metabolic processes. Abnormal lab results relate to potential cardiovascular and diabetes risks.

Symptom surveys

We administer exhaustive questionnaires about lifestyle, sleep quality, emotional health, weight changes, libido levels, and any menopausal or andropausal issues. This symptom footprint helps guide customized treatments.

Restore ideal hormone balance through testing and treatment.

Science-Based Hormone Replacement Methods

If testing reveals clinically low levels contributing to deficiency signs, Rejuvenate Clinic offers a wide range of hormone balancing solutions. Our board-certified hormone specialists draw from the latest medical research to design optimal regimens meeting patient needs and preferences.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Also called "natural hormone therapy", bioidentical hormones have a molecular structure identical to those produced by the human body. Common forms include:

Delivered through gels, creams, pellets, and injections, these customized regimens adjust dosage over time to resolve symptoms without unwanted side effects.

Conventional HRT Medications

These FDA-approved options treat common menopausal complaints in women like hot flashes and vulvar vaginal atrophy:

Estrogen Progestin Pills

Vaginal Estrogen Preparations

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators

While effective for some, these standardized drug formulas don't restore individualized balance like bioidentical hormones can.

Innovations in Hormone Delivery Methods

Beyond traditional testosterone injections and progesterone pills, new modes like sublingual drops, nasal gels, and sustained-delivery inserts make therapies more convenient:

Sublingual HRT – Hormone drops/tablets absorbed under the tongue into the bloodstream

Transdermal patches – Back or arm patches continually release hormones through skin

Vaginal inserts – Soft rings steadily emit estrogen to tissue over months

Long-acting pellets – Small implants just under skin provide steady hormones for 3-6 months

Rejuvenate Clinic offers the full gamut of options to cater therapy to your needs and preferences.

Effects and Benefits of Balanced Hormones

By properly identifying deficiencies then administering individually-tailored treatment plans, dramatic benefits are possible for both women and men:

Physical Changes

- Increased energy levels - Improved sleep quality - Healthy sexual desire restored - Enhanced physique, muscle tone - Weight loss and reduced belly fat - Skin and hair rejuvenation

Emotional Improvements

- Balanced moods, less anxiety/irritability - Clearer thinking and focus - Confidence and self-assuredness - Motivation and zest for life

Reduced Health Risks

- Heart health safeguarded - Lower diabetes likelihood - Healthier cholesterol levels - Stronger bones, joints, and muscles - Fewer menopausal symptoms

In essence, properly balanced hormones enhance overall wellness - making you look better, feel better, and live life to the fullest!

FAQs About HRT

Is HRT safe for long-term use?

Much early research linked synthetic hormones to higher health risks. But bioidentical hormones closely matching natural signatures in your body are extremely safe when properly dosed over many years. No signs of increased cancer, heart disease, or stroke risks occur with expertly-monitored BHRT programs.

Does testosterone therapy increase cancer or heart attack risks?

Current research on customized bioidentical testosterone therapy shows no increased risk of prostate cancer or heart attacks like studies on synthetic testosterone reported years ago. Closely monitored regimens optimizing free testosterone, estrogen, and DHEA levels are quite safe with proper precautions.

Why check more than total testosterone?

Blood testing only "total" testosterone misses detecting deficiencies over 30% of the time, while "free" testosterone (T) and sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) reveal them clearly. Also, estrogen balance is key - low estrogen increases heart disease risks from T therapy. We carefully evaluate this interplay.

Are there side effects with bioidentical HRT?

Mild effects like temporary fluid retention, spotting, acne, or sleep problems sometimes occur when starting. But customized combinations and dosage adjustments mitigate such issues. More significant reactions signal the need to change delivery methods or medication mixes. Monitor symptoms and maintain open communication with your hormone specialist.

How long until I see HRT results?

Benefits emerge on different timeframes - some within weeks, others over months. Positive sleep, energy, sexual effects begin rapidly while muscle tone and emotional benefits accrue gradually as cellular receptors resensitize. Nutritional optimization and lifestyle adjustments speed response times. Patience through dosage adjustments ensures best outcomes long-term.

Will I have to take HRT forever?

While therapy aims to sustain hormone levels long-term, strategic "holidays" from treatment avoid dependence issues. Our specialist helps determine minimal effective dosing with periodic breaks to "reset" endogenous balance. Lifestyle measures like stress reduction, targeted nutrition, and exercise also encourage natural production. But lifelong therapy may benefit those with chronic deficiencies.

Can HRT be combined with other treatments?

Yes - hormone therapy works excellently alongside: Targeted nutritional supplementation – vitamins, antioxidants, adaptogens, botanicals enhance results Stress/sleep hygiene – Relaxation practices and proper sleep encourage natural balance Physical activity programs – Exercise helps regulate metabolism and hormone equilibrium An integrated treatment plan customized to your needs, lifestyle, and medical history produces optimal benefits.

Restore balance through cutting-edge hormone testing now.

Florida's Top Hormone Therapy Provider

As a Midwest leader in evidence-based hormone replacement protocols for over 15 years, Rejuvenate Clinic' physicians have exceptional expertise restoring healthy balance efficiently through:

We also provide integrated nutrition, supplement, and wellness support to help sustain positive changes from HRT. Contact Rejuvenate Clinic to discover how our personalized solutions can transform your vitality and well-being for the better.


Hormone replacement therapy at Rejuvenate Clinic offers a comprehensive approach to restoring hormonal balance and improving overall well-being. With advanced testing methods, bioidentical hormone treatments, and personalized care from experienced specialists, individuals can effectively address hormonal imbalances and enjoy a range of benefits, including increased energy, improved sexual function, better sleep, and reduced health risks. By combining hormone therapy with lifestyle modifications and integrative support, Rejuvenate Clinic provides a holistic solution to achieve optimal hormonal health and vitality.

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